The Prayer Room

Every Thursday Until May 25 at 7:00 am  |  Mosaic Seattle

7616 Aurora Avenue North, Seattle, WA, USA

We are so excited to be opening The Prayer Room every Thursday in the month of May. These will be days set aside to minister to God and seek His presence.

From 7:00 to 8:00 a.m., join us for an hour of prayer and worship to begin our day. Then, throughout the day there will be either live or Spotify worship music played in the room. We encourage anybody and everybody to come seek God and just spend time with Him in the room. If there’s a prayer time going on, feel free to join in.

We also encourage those who are able to do remote work to come work in The Prayer Room (if you’re able to work quietly) to see what the life-giving presence of God can do in your work.

One incredible truth is that, as believers, we are the temples of God! Another incredible truth is that we can host the presence of God as a community in a location and he can pour out his blessings and life on us. Come and seek God’s presence as a family anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays during the month of May.